- Application: CCTV digital video recorders
- External dimensions: W=435 H=500 D=130 mm
- Adjusting the recorder handles: W=145÷345 H=40÷100 [mm ±2]
- Antisabotage protection: tamper – enclosure opening and detachment from the wall
- Notes: surface mounted enclosure, locking – lock assembly
- Vertical installation of recorder
- Application: CCTV digital video recorders
- External dimensions: W=435 H=500 D=130 mm
- Adjusting the recorder handles: W=145÷345 H=40÷100 [mm ±2]
- Antisabotage protection: tamper – enclosure opening and detachment from the wall
- Notes: surface mounted enclosure, locking – lock assembly
- Vertical installation of recorder