MOSKITO is a unique outdoor detector: it integrates in the inside 6 passive infrared pir heads to protect 3 sides completely independent from each other. Allows a third party radio transmitter installation.
MOSKITO is an outdoor detector designed to protect the perimeter of the building with an effi ciency never seen before. The detection is ensured by the combination of six passive infrared heads, arranged on three sides, each with its own sensitivity adjustment. Equipped with anti-opening/anti-removal tamper, it is supplied with a nice protective visor and can be mounted at a height between 1.00m and 1.40m.
Double side protection. A double IR barrier at the sides of the detector protects doors and windows placed on the front of a building for a length of 12+12meters. The lateral detection on each side is ensured by the combination of two IR heads with AND logic, which generate two curtain detection areas with 10° opening
and range up to 12 meters each. The detection zones can be adjusted completely independently, both for geometry (lower head vertically orientable) and for sensitivity (trimmer).
Frontal protection. Two additional IR heads ensure detection of intruders approaching the front area of the sensor, avoiding possible bypass of the lateral protection. On the front side a volumetric detection area is generated with 180° opening and range up to 5m, with sensitivity adjustment (trimmer).
Programmable alarm logic. The two detection sides can each generate their own independent alarm and are combined with the front one by the Anti-bypass function, which, once detected a movement on the front, requires the detection of a single side head to generate an alarm. In ideal environmental conditions, an independent alarm can be generated for each of the three sides.
Active Antimasking. MOSKITO integrates an active infrared anti-masking system that readily detects any attempts to mask the sensor.
Three different versions available: wireless, wired and universal to connect to other wireless systems.
- Active Antimasking
- 2 batteries 3V CR123A (included)
- Simple and Effective Walk-Test (EASYSTEP)
- Wireless walk-test and programming through APP on mobile device (optional: BT-LINK-S)
- Curtain protection on perimeter wall (max 12m*10° each side)
- Frontal volumetric protection (max 8m*180°)
- Independent rotation on three sides
- Automatic temperature compensation
- 6 infrared pir heads in a unique detector
- Independent alarm outputs for the three sides
- Logic selection of alarm occurring (independent sides or anti-avoidance combination)
- Autonomy approx. 3 years (20 alarms/day)
- Consumption < 30 uA standby ; < 6 mA alarm
- Mounting height from 1 to 1.4m
- Weatherproof IP54 - Antivandal IK10
- Temperature from -40°C up to +70°C
- Allows connection to BT-LINK-S bluetooth module for configuration and adjustments
MOSKITO is an outdoor detector designed to protect the perimeter of the building with an effi ciency never seen before. The detection is ensured by the combination of six passive infrared heads, arranged on three sides, each with its own sensitivity adjustment. Equipped with anti-opening/anti-removal tamper, it is supplied with a nice protective visor and can be mounted at a height between 1.00m and 1.40m.
Double side protection. A double IR barrier at the sides of the detector protects doors and windows placed on the front of a building for a length of 12+12meters. The lateral detection on each side is ensured by the combination of two IR heads with AND logic, which generate two curtain detection areas with 10° opening
and range up to 12 meters each. The detection zones can be adjusted completely independently, both for geometry (lower head vertically orientable) and for sensitivity (trimmer).
Frontal protection. Two additional IR heads ensure detection of intruders approaching the front area of the sensor, avoiding possible bypass of the lateral protection. On the front side a volumetric detection area is generated with 180° opening and range up to 5m, with sensitivity adjustment (trimmer).
Programmable alarm logic. The two detection sides can each generate their own independent alarm and are combined with the front one by the Anti-bypass function, which, once detected a movement on the front, requires the detection of a single side head to generate an alarm. In ideal environmental conditions, an independent alarm can be generated for each of the three sides.
Active Antimasking. MOSKITO integrates an active infrared anti-masking system that readily detects any attempts to mask the sensor.
Three different versions available: wireless, wired and universal to connect to other wireless systems.
- Active Antimasking
- 2 batteries 3V CR123A (included)
- Simple and Effective Walk-Test (EASYSTEP)
- Wireless walk-test and programming through APP on mobile device (optional: BT-LINK-S)
- Curtain protection on perimeter wall (max 12m*10° each side)
- Frontal volumetric protection (max 8m*180°)
- Independent rotation on three sides
- Automatic temperature compensation
- 6 infrared pir heads in a unique detector
- Independent alarm outputs for the three sides
- Logic selection of alarm occurring (independent sides or anti-avoidance combination)
- Autonomy approx. 3 years (20 alarms/day)
- Consumption < 30 uA standby ; < 6 mA alarm
- Mounting height from 1 to 1.4m
- Weatherproof IP54 - Antivandal IK10
- Temperature from -40°C up to +70°C
- Allows connection to BT-LINK-S bluetooth module for configuration and adjustments